Tuesday, May 20, 2014

100 Pounds Later...

There are some moments that are wake-up calls--and being told you are technically "obese" is certainly one of them.

That's exactly what happened when I went to have my fitness evaluation at my local gym last year. After playing three varsity sports in high school and being a generally adventuresome kind of guy, it was a shock to weigh in at 285 lbs. at 6-feet-tall. 

That was 8 months ago--eight long months! Since then I've hit the gym hard and stopped eating my weight in pizza and have lost nearly 100 pounds. You might be thinking, "Why the heck did he start a wight loss blog after losing more than one-third of his body weight?" The truth is that I've come to realize that my weight is not a diet or series of workout routines--It's going to have to be a lifestyle.

And with this blog, I hope to share how I've maintained this lifestyle for the last 8 months and for many more years to come. I'll there will be killer workouts and yummy, healthy recipes. And there there will also be bumps and bruises along the way. For that final result, we will just have to weight and see.

-Not So Big Joe

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